Tonight: Trace's cousin brenan is making dinner for us (my job is to bring him a date. Emelia agreed.)
Friday: Some girls from dance company are coming down to go bowling and ice skating with us! Hooray for a social life!
Saturday: I get to watch Easton!!! YESSSSSSSSS
Next Week:
The Bravery Concert, Junior Miss Pageant, THRILLER, and halloween! Loving this! :)
This is my lovely room. I will admit... it doesn't always look this lovely. but I try really hard!!! My bed is hard as a rock, it gets me out of bed in the morning at least... and people can definitely see in our window haha!
These are my shelves that I tried to make cute... Florence Cathedral, Graduation, Trace, Caleb, that flower is made out a guitar string, kinda cute. haha.
Here is our lovely kitchen... we actually cook quite a bit. Especially Sierra. She makes killer enchiladas!
Emelia and I after a long morning of cleaning!
Oh man I wish my walls were still made of cinder blocks. Haha not. We're excited to see you tonight! THanks for watching Easton!