I thought I should probably write about what I'm thankful for... seeing as I didn't express it very well in my previous post about the Holiday :)
I'm thankful for... a school that provides and education and an incredible environment
a family that lives close and loves me, and puts up with my volume and craziness
Kelsey living so close to me
Jelina, Sierra, Heather, Cyndi, and Emelia (roommates) that also put up with my volume and lack of cleanliness
Cyndi and Emelia for listening to me no matter what
Trace for being my very best friend and example
Caleb for also being my best friend and example, and I'm grateful for his example to trace
The Cutest Nephew in all the land.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ that keeps me going every day
a roof over my head, and food on my table (usually)