Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It is enough, I will.

I'd like to journal an experience I had this evening and I really don't feel like writing. (lazy)

Tonight in my church history class (it's church history and the worldwide growth/impact of the church since 1901) we discussed the persecution of the LDS church. We saw some examples of anti-mormon literature. We discussed in detail how and why former members of the church try to bash it and use small flaws in its history against it.

During our discussion I began to feel like the weakest person in the room. The only one who hadn't been on a mission or been through the temple. However, I felt a strange strength. I didn't enjoy reading any of the anti-mormon things, and I could feel my heart tighten as to not let Satan take control in any way.

The point of the discussion was to determine what we can do as members of the church to combat such accusations. My professor shared a story, and I apologize I don't remember which general authority's father it was about. But he was on his mission in Scotland. As he tried to share the gospel, doors were slammed, names were called, he was spat upon and yelled at. He and his companions began to get discouraged, so they changed their approach. They started just making nice with the people. Helping out, avoiding pushy discussions, and doing service. They were making many friends, but no one was joining the church. Slowly, a darkness came over this missionary and he began to realize it. So one morning he went down to the beach, alone (apparently that was allowed then) and prayed to Heavenly Father, asking how this darkness could be removed from him. In a very distinct voice, he was told to proclaim Joseph Smith and the restoration of the gospel. Immediately he knew that was what needed to be done. He responded "It is enough, I will." He and his companion began to do just that. Again, doors were slammed, names were called, he was spat upon and yelled at, and many joined the church.

As we face the opposition of the world and try to find that common ground on which no personal boundaries are crossed, we often fail to represent ourselves and members of the true Church of Jesus Christ. Boyd K. Packer said, "It is not common ground we seek, it is holy ground we seek." Tonight I learned that even though things may get uncomfortable, I need to be bold, and share what I believe. When someone claims I am not a Christian, not only do I need to correct them, but I need to share the message of the restoration.

People can leave the church, but they can't leave the church alone. They will always be there, trying to defy everything I hold dear. But, my testimony will remain unshaken.

After my class, which happens to be two minutes from temple square, I went to clear my head. I sat in front of the temple for some time reading the Book of Mormon. I went into the visitors center and looked at the Christus statue. Then I went downstairs to look at the display about Joseph Smith. I said a quiet prayer since no one was around. I told my Heavenly Father that I needed some help, immediately a feeling of love and appreciation came over me and then the tears came.

Joseph Smith Jun. did see God the Father and His beloved, only begotten son. Joseph received revelation after that in order to attain the gold plates when the time was right. Then he translated the plates, by the power of God. And those plates became the Book of Mormon. Which book is the truest of any book in existence. I know that because I have asked my Heavenly Father. I know all of this because I have asked.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the only way to true, real, happiness. It is the reason I will be with my family for time as well as all eternity.

It's true. If you doubt it, ask in faith, believing you will receive, then study diligently and be patient, you will receive an answer.


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I have been reading some family history books and a lot of them contain history of the church as well. The more I read the more I get uncomfortable with some of the darker parts of the church's history but it always comes back to whether or not Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ and whether or not the Book of Mormon is a true record. I know like you do that those things are true and that gives me all the faith I need to believe that I am exactly where I need to be :).
