Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekend Festivities

Okay Weekend!!
My weekend fun started on Wednesday. We went to my friends jake and jared's show. Their band is called Gentleman Ghost. I'm so impressed with them. It's like Modest Mouse meets Brand New meets the Beatles. I love it.

Then I finished my week at the BYU. Saturday, Cynd Mel and I volunteered at the Living Planet Aquarium for our free tickets to DISNEYLAND!! yahooooooo! We're planning on going after finals. what a nice break that will be. p.s. the aquarium is so cool. We gotta take east, court!
K Saturday night Trace and I went downtown and saw Under the Sea IMAX in 3D at the Clark Planitarium. it was so rad. and yes, I had a lot of under the sea in one day. haha. go nature. then we walked around temple square, got jamba juice, went to smiths and got a whole lot of treats and a red box and then had some friends over to watch The Brothers Bloom. Which I quite enjoyed.

Sunday was Elder Bills' farewell. His topic was Jesus. Really bishop? Wanna make that a little more broad? I guess that is what I learned about in primary every Sunday for 12 years... what'd you learn about? Jesus. Yup. But, he gave a wonderful talk! He's a pretty big baby, but we think it's pretty cute. That boy and I have been the best of friends for a very long time and it's gonna be weird with him gone, but he's gonna be the best misionary! He's a natural.

Nothing exciting this week. Just stupid school.