Sunday, March 20, 2011

The life of a YSA.

Well I haven't journalified my blog in a while. So here are some pictures from some recent ongoings in my life that I thought wasn't eventful...

this was a huge YSA tubing trip up at Soldier Hollow. So fun.

Emelia's boyfriend is in a band and I do love me some live music, so we went to watch. that's Spencer, he's like my big brother. He lived in our apartment complex with Emelia's big brother. so they watch over us. it's cute.

This is old, but this was Valentine's day. Whitney, Trace's sister had a "little" get together and we had a lovely dinner and played just dance on the wii all night. The best part was Kelsey's prom date giving me a rose.

And alas, we got to relive our glory days yet another year! Dance Company's concert was wonderful this year. And Traci Pays still manages to teach me so much about life.

Cynd and I finally got to spend some time together this week cuz it was her spring break. We played on Thursday and then Friday we went to a free concert a girl in my ward was singing in, then we played Saturday too!! I needed me some Cyndi time.

Lexi (my bff Caleb's significant other) came over to visit and I said "do you have a letter to read me?" and she sheepishly pulled 4 out of her purse. I said "Lex, don't worry about it" and pulled 4 out of mine too :) We love our missionaries!

So the highlight of my week is usually FHE. We have a huge budget for it so we have a lot of fun. this one we had a cook off with a whole bunch of random ingredients and it was a blast.

another FHE was a 70s dance party. three words: my natural habitat.

so looks like time is still flying and I'm enjoying it quite a bit! Trace is doing great, I do miss him a lot, but I'm trying to date and have fun still! Go team.


  1. Wow you do way more stuff than I ever did as a YSA......

    Hey Desi, don't think I didn't notice that dance co costume ya little thief you :)

  2. I'm truly glad you are having so much fun. Yay for good singles wards! There should be more like that!

  3. And you thought you would have no social life when you came home from Florida!
