Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Long Weekend!!

Hooray for Presidents! I so needed a long weekend. Here's the rundown: on Friday- I went to school, got pretty, drove home, then went downtown for my first Gentleman Ghost show, that's my friends jake and jared's band. It was pretty rockin. Then saturday morning at six freakin AM Trace and I left for Idaho. We were supposed to leave friday night, but the band didn't start playin till ten... and yes I had a hard core anxiety attack when my plans were changed. Anyway, we drove up to Idaho and spent the day cleaning grama's new house, seeing Shoshone falls, napping, and playing games. A very good time. We drove home Sunday morning and it was a glorious day. Yes, I did get some flowers from my Valentine. Even though I despise V-day. I don't think boys should have an excuse to try to make up for the 364 days that they didn't treat a girl like a princess. as cynical as it is... anyway. monday I just lounged around, went to dinner with sisters and mom and then saw Valentine's day. (which was funny, but i would say sub par) Now it's back to work!

Oh, and Jelina thought it would be cute to decorate our room... I suppose it was cute.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun to have you here! I can't believe you didn't put the picture of the elk on the blog!! :)
