Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter 1... HIS STORY

it's here! the Katelin and Trace story. Oh buckle your seatbelts blog readers! It's going to be a fun ride. and you may need some tissues. So, unfortunately, I got a little side tracked and haven't gotten past my chapter one... BUT! Luckily our stories match pretty well. So go back and read that... then you can read his side! :) I'll keep transcribing every couple of days, and you can all get to know the Trace that I'm so in love with!

Here we go!

Upon request, I will write down my perspective of the time of my life that has been affected by Katelin Cook. I will record up to this point in time. Due to a lack of journal and other resources I will rely solely upon my memories. I will write as romanticized or as subjective as my mind recalls. Please forgive me if I miss any details, however, I will do my best to be as thorough as possible.
From what I can remember, the first time I met Katelin Cook was sophomore year in Mrs. Childs honors English class. I believe I spent most of my time on the front row left side while Katelin sat towards the back on the opposite side; this is where I would watch her. Through occasional interaction in class as well as through Blake Bartholomew, bless his heart, we began a relationship. At this point in my life I had just come out of middle school prison, which had held me bound and my attitude was expectant as I looked forward to meeting new friends, as well as new women of course. Needless to say, I was hungry for the win, and she was definitely in my sights.
I remember getting the biggest thrill out of the little things. Talking to her as we waited for the first bell to ring, claiming spots on the love sac in the classroom during movies and, of course, the everlasting back-tickle. These were all part of the things that framed our relationship, which was… friends. We remained as such for a very long time. I recount the climax of this chapter. It was the wintertime of sophomore year and a group of friends were gathered at my long lost 3rd grade best friends house, Tyler Evenson. There were various males and females about but somehow it turned to the two of us alone in the basement, we were still quite unfamiliar with one another so we sat, on opposite couches, throwing a football between us and we talked. She told me she loved to dance, that she had five sisters, and she told me she had family in Idaho. Other than these things, I don’t remember much else about the words exchanged but I remember how fast my heart was beating. Katelin made me nervous. I watched her as she lay there in her sweat pants and Dance Company hoodie, the outfit I would come to know her by and I felt the urge to be with this woman.
It was that very next spring that I attended the Dance Company concert, of which Katelin was part. It took quite a great deal to get me there but because Daniel Haslam bought me a ticket, I couldn’t say no. I attended with Dan, who was another long lost friend from 3rd grade, and rather enjoyed myself. Little did I know that this was the first of many dance performances I would attend in the coming years.

Funny things I noticed:
1. The back scratch story in mine... he called it the "everlasting back tickle"
2. Both of us knowing he only came to the concert cuz Dan had 2 tickets
3. We both remembered throwing a football in T-Vo's basement.

I'm loving this.

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