Monday, April 26, 2010

What I've been doing... since school :)

So... I live at home again. And man life is good! Oh oh oh so good.

So the day after I moved home... I went BACK to provo haha. Went to lunch with the roommates and then shopping and such. Great last outing.

Then on Saturday... Trace and I put the trampoline back on... it was so hard. Then when we asked Dad for ice cream, he said "I've done that hundreds of time, I never got ice cream."

Then I took the sistas to the park and then to Frogurt. I'm pretty much the best sister ever.
Aaaaaaand.... this is what we do on Sunday nights. What would we do without technology? Communicate? haha. We just love to play tetris and scrabble.

And last but not least, I organized a little get together for Trace's friends. Sorry if you're reading this Tracer... but he doesn't have too many close friends. haha. But it was really fun to have everyone together before he leaves for Nebraska. We sure are going to miss that tall boy.



  1. Yay I'm so excited to find out. I'm glad someone remembers how to blog! It's getting a little ridiculous!
