Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boring, Sickie, Work, Prank, Goodbye!

So... This week was super duper boring. I did absolutely nothing. On Thursday, I went to my friend's house and he had a dog. I didn't think I was very allergic to dogs. My body decided otherwise. I had a full blown allergy attack which made me completely and totally sickie on Friday. So I laid on the couch ALL DAY. Then on Saturday, Cowabunga Bay opened. It was a short day at work. But, nice to be making money again. And, today I woke up and got a call from my great friend Meg at work. She said our manager didn't show up and we had a ton of birthday parties so I had to come in. So, completely ticked off I throw my work clothes on and because I don't have a car, mom drives me down to work, drops me off and drives away. Meg meets me outside with my folder that I'd left yesterday. It had my voucher for Disneyland in it (that I could have just printed off again). The whole thing was a prank, she just wanted to give me my folder back. So, she drove me home since mom had left. She's going down. So Down. Anyway, I'm leaving for St. George Tonight, then we'll finish our drive tomorrow :) California here I come! Goodbye Utah for now. It's gonna be like the same weather there though, which bites. haha. Oh, and Splash Mountain is closed, and the park closes at 9:00. Just my luck. Cyndi and Emelia would rather be at Six Flags anyway. hmph. Okay, staying positive!


  1. Wow you have so much to complain about! Nothing to do and a vacation on the way! Your life sucks!

  2. You're going today already? And not getting back until Friday? Holy cow, you've got it rough
